I'm writing this Sunday entry on Monday. Sunday's tend to be a little hectic. What with Sunday school and then service immediatley after. Add to that that I am the Sunday school teacher for the adults, then it can get pretty busy. It was our turn to bring breakfast and it was such a nice day that we brought bagels with cream cheese and some fresh fruit.
We were having a potluck right after service and it was, as usual, amazing. I will say one thing for my congregation; we can cook. I got to help grill burgers and dogs outside while the service was going on. I kind of missed going to service, but Martha filled me in afterward. Sunday School was about the minor prophet Zechariah and his message of humility before the Lord. Good message and my class went from the usual me and Sam to a few other people. That was kind of nice.
After the potluck we stopped at Stew's apartment because he programmed Martha's phone with a picture of David Tennant who is the current incarnation of the BBC chracter, Doctor Who, along with a ring tone of the theme song of the show. She was pretty happy with that.
After that we went home and took naps and then got up and went to the store to fill our freezer with meat.
A busy day, but I had a pretty good time with all of it.