I'll let all you know a little secret. I actually write these things the day after. Kind of gives me a chance to look at the day in retrospect. So, even though it's Tuesday, I'm chronicling my adventures of Monday.
Man, there are good Mondays and then there was this Monday.
I had a huge project due for one of the people here at the print shop. And everything that could go wrong with it did. Color files printed in black and white. Two sided documents wanted to be one sided. It was not a pretty thing, but it was okay because the person who's job it was said to do my best and get it done.
Then she called back at 2:30 and wanted to know where it was. I explained where I was in the printing and assembling process and suddenly, do your best wasn't what she wanted. She wanted them NOW. Yeah, now didn't happen. They would be finished on Tuesday, early Tuesday, but Tuesday nonetheless.
I even stayed late to get them done. So, to be considerate, I called Martha and told her the situation.
She was, to say the least, not pleased. This puzzled me because overtime means more money. I called her back and she wanted nothing to do with me. Curious, I thought, as I stayed at work and fumed over this horrid job that lay before me.
I left around 4:30, a good hour and a half later than usual, and made my way home. When I got there the house was uncommonly quiet for there being a wife, three kids and just as many dogs that usually roamed the household. Not today, it was quiet. Too quiet.
I made my way up the stairs and found everyone in our bedroom.
It seemed that Dennis and Daniel had decided to explore the woods behind our house. In their explorations they accidentally disturbed a ground nest full of bees. The bees attacked, the boys panicked and chaos ensued.
They ran to the house, bringing the bees with them. Martha yelled at Dennis to get the hose, but that didn't communicate well through the door and Dennis and Daniel came into the house their clothes full of bees. Martha managed to shake them out of their clothes and everyone made a mad dash upstairs to escape the bees. This is important because Dandelion is very allergic to bees. The boys, like their father, are not at all. They sting and burn, but there is no adverse reactions to the bee venom. They both got between ten and fifteen stings apiece.
I did my duties by slaughtering the rest of the bees. They were quite large and I managed to dispatch the trio with a well placed dictionary.
After that Martha and I went to the store and got a huge amount of food. we came home and made chili cheese dogs and potato chips with dip. After that we watched Hell's Kitchen, fed and watered the dogs and let them outside for the night.
I promised Dennis that we would find the nest after night fall and fill it with bleach to dispatch the bees and avoid a repeat performance.
Dennis led me into the back yard, bleach in hand, and we started making our way deeper into the woods.
When I asked him exactly where this nest was he pointed even deeper into the woods. I explained to Dennis that bee's nests occur in nature and they weren't in my yard so I wasn't going to indiscriminately slaughter bees that were just doing their own thing.
Dennis is a nature nut as well and agreed that this was a good idea and they would just give the area a wide berth.
Oh, and when the boys came screaming back into the yard Sweetie, the dog, bullied her way outside to save the boys and managed to get a sting on the nose for her trouble. Sweetie is not allergic to bees either. She's a good dog.
Man, and I thought Sundays were busy.