Off to work after a holiday is the worst! Especially since the holiday requires you to stay up late to watch fireworks, but I did it. I got up and hauled my groaning frame from bed and onto my bicycle and headed for work. The bicycle ride actually does a great job of waking me up in the morning.
At work I found the 'Honey Do' list left by the boss. We're having a stupid open house next Thursday and we have to clean the print shop for all of our lovely guests. Fun, fun, fun! I spent the day cleaning and goofing off, not particularly in that order.
When I got ready to go home for the day I didn't realize it had gotten so hot! Almost suffocating. Probably that darn humidity that is inherent in living on a peninsula. Oh well.
At home I managed to get some more pages of my zine, Divine Exploitation finished. The interview with director Rock Savage turned out pretty good. Only six more pages and that puppy is finished. Yea!
I used the BBQ chicken from the previous day to make some chicken and rice. It turned out all right, but I expected better for some reason. I also made too much chicken and rice so now it will be the main ingredient in my chicken fried rice tonight. Leftovers can be fun! (Insert sarcasm here.) Other than that it was a laid back evening. I made a quick stop at the store for pudding and cake for the Waltz Compound, but other than that it was relatively uneventful.
I still stayed up too late. Must have thought it was Friday or something. Holidays in the middle of the week tend to throw off my entire week.