

The day before payday and we are swamped at ye old print shop. We get clients sometimes that don't understand how time frames work. They also think they are our only customers. This meant that there was a job that I had to rush through to get done and there was really no margin for error. Of course, just because I got it done doesn't mean that the binders I need to complete it are here yet. Sheesh! Other than that the day went pretty smooth.
Made it home before it started to rain...again! I think God is looking out for me. It's hard to believe that I've been riding my bike back and forth to work for about two months and I've only been through rain in it once. Those odds are impossible.
Dennis was nice enough to start the pork roast for dinner so all I had to do was slice the cantaloupe and make some rice to go with it. It was all excellent and I ate waaaay too much pork roast. I'll probably be full tomorrow. Then Martha decided that she needed Snickers ice cream bars. And, as if on purpose, the remote to the downstairs television stopped working. So, it was off to Meijers for a universal remote and some ice cream for the family. Thankfully, when we got there fudgesicles were a buck a box. This will help keep the children off of Martha's Snickers ice cream bars. By the time we got home it was time to feed the dogs and we all had massive amounts of laundry to put away since Martha was the laundryinator during the day. After all that we watched the reality show Who Wants To Be A Superhero with Stan Lee. Being a comic geek it is always good to see Stan The Man in action. This is the second season and the new crop of potential heroes looks pretty good. He was really putting them through their paces. Next week will be better because we get to see them all in professionally designed costumes. Those are usually pretty cool.
Then it was time for bed and man I was bushed. The overtime will look good on the check and that Bava book by Tim Lucas will look good on my shelf, but it's wearing me down. The upside is that the book weighs in at twelve pounds so it will give me a good forearm workout.