Friday! Payday! I had a few pressing jobs at the job, but then kind of took it easy for the rest of the day. The rest of the week was so hectic I felt like I deserved it. So, not a lot to tell about the day there.
I pedaled home on my bicycle knowing I was trading it in for one that doesn't sound like its grinding coffee this weekend.
Dinner was leftover spaghetti and left over pork and rice. I stir fried that with some broccoli and just baked the spaghetti.
After that was a new episode of Doctor Who. We had no idea that it was the first of a two parter! I hate when that happens. Now we have to wait for another week to see what will happen next.
After that it was time for bed and getting ready for tomorrow. Stew and his family are going to come over for a party.