Another fun filled day at the print shop. There was a rush job that I got finished in record time, double checked my work and sent it on it's merry way. The person I sent it out to must have been happy because if they weren't, we would have heard about it. Cleaned the shop, scrubbed the counter tops and threw out a bunch of crap that we wouldn't use. Checked all the inventory for the machines and gave the boss a list of stuff that we need. In other words boring, yet essential, mundane stuff that you have to do. It isn't all glamour and flowers here in the world of print. Now that I think of it, it's never glamour and flowers in the world of print. Sigh. Oh well.
Biked home afterwards and we had leftovers. Then the kids were outside using the hose to clean their red wagon. I told them I would help and started spraying the wagon to see if I could get it any cleaner. Of course, it didn't take long before I was spraying the kids. They screamed and squealed with delight and I thought it was a hoot. That was until Martha snuck up on me from behind and soaked me with a pot of water. Never saw it coming. The funny part was she said she soaked herself as much as she got me and I did spray her down all the way back to the house. So, we were all soaked so it was clothes changing time. Martha invited me into the shower to get cleaned up. Yipee! Then we had to make a quick run to the store for dog food and toilet paper. Of course that meant there were Double Stuf Oreos for Martha and I got a bag of Andy Capp Cheddar Fries for myself. I remember when they used to print old Andy Capp cartoons on the back of the bags. They don't do that anymore and it's a shame. I used to like the Hot Fries, but the older I get the less I like those. Martha and I watched Ace Of Cakes. A fun show. I always wondered how much he charged for his cakes so I went online to see. Five hundred bucks! For a cake! Man, it must be cool to have that kind of money to throw around.
After Ace Of Cakes Good Eats was on and I fell asleep.