Friday and payday! It would be more exciting if it wasn't already spent. Oh well, what are you going to do? It was also Friday The 13th and it seemed that the machines at work knew it. The 6100 was broke, again! The Nuvera wasn't working right and, of course, everything had to be done right this minute. On a Friday! Don't these people know that Friday is the slack off day?
When I got home we waited for the littles and then went to see the movie Transformers. It was very cool and I grinned through the whole thing. The lead actor, Shia Lebouef was very good and his costar Meagn Fox was very pretty. The robots were awesome! After all these years we get a live action movie that lives up to my fond memories of the original Transformers. Say what you want about Micheal Bay, this was a great movie and one that we will definitely own when it comes out on DVD.
On the way to the theater the low coolant light kept coming on sporadically. When we arrived at the movies I checked and saw a leak. I thought nothing of it until after the movie was over. We went to Target to get some anti freeze and picked up a Carmel Frappucino for Martha while we were there.
When we got back to the car i saw that it was a simple case of one of the heater hoses coming loose. I thanked Jesus for the lucky break on the car and reattached the hose and we were on our merry way. Tomorrow I will have to check under the hood and make sure there is enough coolant in the car. Yeah, for me.
We got home and I made stir fry for dinner and chocolate pudding for dessert. We watched Good Times on TV Land and Delia thinks that is the funniest show ever. She laughs so hard while we watch that show. I have one disc of it, but I think we'll need the rest from NetFlix in the very near future.
After dinner, the newest episode of Doctor Who was on. This time around, The Doctor and his newest companion, Martha Jones went back to visit Shakespeare. Of course, since it was the doctor we had to have some problem going on. It dealt with these creatures from the beginning of the universe. Funny, the Christmas episode dealt with an ancient race of beings as well. Kind of wondering what is this all leading up to. Have to wait and see. I did think it was funny that we got a BACK TO THE FUTURE reference and well as one about the 7th Harry Potter book.
One last thing; the previews at the theater were plentiful and the ones that stood out the most to me were THE SIMPSONS which was such a sharp, clear picture that it was almost too sharp. There was one for I AM LEGEND starring Will Smith. With Will Smith I have a love/hate relationship. I either like the movies he's in, I, ROBOT, for example. Or I don't THE WILD WILD WEST immediately comes to mind. So, we will have to see. I do like that they are using the actual name of the Richard Matheson story that this is derived from. It's been done twice before. Vincent Price starred in the classic, THE LAST MAN ON EARTH and Charlton Heston did a bizarre turn in OMEGA MAN. Both good flicks in their own right, but not quite right. I can tell you one thing, this was originally supposed to star Arnold Schwarzenegger. He would have butchered this thing. Bruce Willis would have been good in this one.
It was a busy Friday and we only had a brief problem with the car so that is a good thing.