

So, barely into recording this year and I missed Friday completely. My mistake. It was work and payday and things on Amazon selling okay and coming home and getting stuff for me and Dan's Birthday party on Saturday.
I was whooped.
Saturday rolled around and we got up and took the kids to first session of Judo at Southside. Dennis had a bruise on his foot, but still participated. What a trooper, that one is. Martha and I discussed the kids doing different sessions on Saturdays instead of lumping them all together. After first session we got out of there because we had bunches of stuff to do before the party started at 3:00. We got a table and some chairs from church, went and bought Dan a couple of more things. He got a set of Godzilla toys and a Heroscape set with LavaMen in it. Pretty darn cool if you ask me.
Then the people started to arrive.
Stew and Amy brought their kids, Simon, Charlie and Addison. Joe from the Dojo came. Chris and Heather showed up. Barb brought Jacob. Art brought Nate and Sarah along. And finally my oldest son, Seann came. Seann was full of surprised with four piercings and a tattoo! That came out of left field. Everyone in my family, my mom and dad and my sister and brothers all have tattoos. I'm actually the odd one. No ink no piercings. Sure, there's my ear piercing, but I haven't had anything in there for so long I know it has closed shut. Just don't see the need for it I guess.
Dan got some cool toys and I got an Activision controller from Chris and Heather that plays old school Atari games right on your television. Dan and I also got gift certificates from Joe which was cool because they're from the local comic shop! Very nice. I also got the coolest t-shirt from my buddy Stew with Killdozer on it. Dan got a Cthulu t-shirt from him as well. Probably the nicest thing I got was from my ten year old, Delia. She made me a card in the shape of Captain America's shield and wrote some very nice things on it. She is always telling me to not be grumpy so I think I'll make sure to do that from now on.
It was a busy day and felt much longer than four hours that people were here. I don't mean that in a bad way. It was good to have so many friends over and I got to use my new grill and make dogs and brats. I think all the kids had a good time. They were a pretty tired when they left and a couple of the ones that weren't ours didn't want to leave so, that makes it a success.
And to cap it off, my dad called to wish me a happy birthday late. Seems Donna, my step mom, got in a car wreck down in Florida. While she's banged up she will be fine. He felt bad that he missed our birthdays and apologized. I told him not to sweat it and that it was nice that he called.
All in all a very nice and tiring day.
One last funny thing; When I was naming this blog it was my intention to call it douglasalanwaltz.blogspot.com. Seemed appropriate what with that being my name and all. Yeah, and sometimes I type to fast so it actually is; douglaslanawaltz.blogspot.com. I was going to change it, but it seemed weird and mildly appropriate that I would screw up my blog IP address.

Historical Tidbit of the day - got some terrorists cooling their heels over in the UK. Seems they glued massive amounts of nails to propane and gasoline tanks and were going to blow them up. Ouch! That would make for a nasty anti personnel bomb.