

Friday at the shop! Woooooo! Almost the weekend! Of course I have no plans for the weekend so I have no idea what I am excited about. Spent most of the day cleaning the shop so it looks nice and pretty for Tracie when she gets back from her holiday. She wants it to look nice for the lame ass open house we are having on Thursday. Yippee! Did a little drawing for my newest L'il Jason mini comic that I should be able to print sometime next week. Well, except for Thursday. They are even paying me overtime to stay late so that I will be there for the entire party. I am so not thrilled that I will have to be there for the whole thing. I will put on my happy face, but that's about it.
Home was nice and laid back. Not a lot going on and pretty peaceful. Well, as peaceful as it ever gets at the Waltz Compound. The biggest thing was that the Sci Fi Channel was showing the first episode of the new season of Doctor Who. My wife, Martha is a big fan as are we all, but I think she might be the biggest fan in the house. Anyway, they showed the hour and a half long Christmas Special which was very good and went by quickly. The second episode was the official first episode of the third season of the new run of shows. We got The Doctor's newest companion, Martha Jones, and new monsters including these intergalactic police who look like upright rhinos. Very cool stuff. I think this new season is going to be great. I still miss his last companion,. Rose, played by Billie Piper, but she wanted off the show so what are you going to do?
That much excitement from television that we had waited all summer for made me quite tired by the time it was over so we all hit the hay.