Compared to the last two days, work was bliss. I did some inventory and ran the time cards for Pfizer, but that was about it. A really laid back day. Good thing because my left ankle is killing me! I have an appointment at the end of the month to renew my prescriptions so I'll ask the doctor then if it's still giving me a hassle.
Other than that the day at work was uneventful.
I went home, made dinner early, ate and fell asleep until it was time to drive out to the church and pick Delia up. She spent a few days out at the pastor's horse farm and she had a blast. They went to the fair and she rode all the rides as much as she could and ate corn dogs and elephant ears. Of all of my kids I think that Delia truly appreciates and loves the county fairs more than any of the others.
We talked about it all the way home and it's a good half hour drive from church back to The Waltz Compound.
I got home and cleaned and vacuumed the bedroom and that was it for me. I went back to sleep. I woke up for a minute when Martha came to bed. She had been engrossed in her Might and Magic computer game. She really likes that game. Looks hard to me, but what do I know?
I nodded off to some new show where you have to remember the lyrics to a song while you sing karaoke. Seems simple, but there were people having trouble with this. Martha knew all the lyrics. She should go on the show. That would be very cool.
Then it was back to sleep for me. Very tired today. I think I'm recovering from the two days of massive busy.