Saturday, bleh. We were supposed to get up and go to Judo for the kids. Yeah, we slept in instead. And the car had a bigger problem. It was still overheating. I checked and checked and finally came to the conclusion that it was a stuck thermostat. The thermostat casing was in the most unobtainable place ever and it's summer so I went for the easy fix. I used a screwdriver and a hammer to punch a hole through the thermostat and now it works fine.
Saturday, other than that was laid back. Watched a film that I have to review called Splatter Farm. It's the first film by the Pennsylvania based Polonia Brothers and it's pretty extreme for what it is. I still need to watch it one more time with the commentary because there is nothing more informative than a Polonia Brothers commentary. With the possible exception of a commentary by producer Sam Sherman or film maker H.G. Lewis.
Nothing else really happened.