

All I could think about this morning was that damned ultrasound. The girl giving it to me was pretty cute and that helped a lot. She also heated the gel for it and that was very nice as well. She showed me my gallbladder and said it looked good, but she had to send it for interpretation to these people who do that sort of thing for a living. She also checked my pancreas, liver and right kidney. Kind of a laundry list of stuff. The goo came right off which was nice. I thought for sure my hairy belly was going to grab on to that stuff like there was no tomorrow.
It didn't.
Went back to work, got some stuff done.
Went home and made some stir fry for the wife and kiddies. My stomach was acting up so I didn't eat when they did. Later I had some Health Nut bread and mackerel. Yummy. No really, it wasn't all that bad. Plus the Omega-3s are really good for you.
Didn't watch all of Heroes. Read more Bava Book. Fell asleep before Heroes was over. The second season just seems dull in comparison to last season. Oh well.

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