

Today was the first night of revival at chruch. I took the massive amout of peanut butter cookies I made and we went super eraly to help out with the recovery dinner. There was chikcen to carve and cornbread and cheesy rice to make. I had fun in the kitchen while MArtha did the bulletin and the bulletin board in the foyer. Lots of yummy food and then service was our guest speaker, Rich Ratts. It's funny because he's a good speaker and all, but he looks a lot like the recent incarnation of The Master in Doctor Who so there's that visual baggage going along with it. He also does that talk and then pause thing that kind of makes me crazy after a while. Lots of speakers use that method so it must be effective, but it has always grated my nerves a little. Great guy thouhg. we had a chnace to talk before and after service so it was a good time. Ate too much.
I got my reversing diabetets book in the mail as well and it primarily deals with a drastic change in diet. I'm slowly working my way into the mindset, but I don't see it being a quick turnaround. The book is filled with hundreds of recipes though so I will defintiely have all the support I need for that. Soon, no more medication. Yippee!

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