

Friday and payday! Yeah, what a happy combination that is! Work flew by and Martha and Dan came and picked me up. We went to Okun Bros. where I picked up a sorely needed new pair of work shoes. My faithful Earth Shoes were giving out on me and with no support it made for some sore feet. Problem solved. The guy even shaved twenty bucks off for me. After that we went and got Cassidy's toenails clipped. We went to the dollar store. We went to Fanfare where I looked at a lot of comics, but only picked up the first issue of Omega The Unknown. Not sure why there's a resurgence in Steve Gerber stuff, but I am not complaining.
No Doctor Who which was a bummer, but it was a laid back evening at Hacienda Waltz. Ate some food, watched some television and hit the sack with no intention of getting up early on Saturday.

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