Sunday morning and we left for church a little early. Martha had picked up a brick of those little, golf pencils for the pews so people can fill out the visitor cards during the revival. Missy brought breakfast sandwiches for breakfast and we were out of creamer so I had to run out and get some. I was going to go to H&B Market, but they were closed. I ended up over at Lakeshore Market and I love going to that little market. When I was a kid it was IGA Skedgell's MArket. That's the place where I got most of my comic books when I was young before there were stores that just sold comics. They even carried Vampirella Magazine back then. It has changed a little over the years, but not much. I got the creamer and made a beeline back to church.
Sam was teaching the youngsters about something when I got there and I just abandoned my lesson plan and went with the flow. I was able to interject a few things from the lesson, but it was a big group and there were lots of questions and really good discussion so I would label that a success.
Church service went well. One of our older members is going again to Ann Arbor for some eye surgery so we all laid hands on him and said a special prayer for the success of that.
After church we went to B&G warehouse because I needed a new deck brush for the driveway at home. Trees lose their leaves and other stuff on the cement driveway and after a while you get a film of this plant slime that makes it harder to get up the driveway in the winter. I usually scrub it once or twice a year. Dennis and Daniel helped me with that.
Before we got home we were all part of a protest called Life Chain. It took place this Sunday for one hour in The United States and Canada and it protests abortion. I took some pictures of the wife and kiddies in the protest and put them up here to enjoy. We only had one person yell obscenities and one woman flipped us off. All we were doing was holding signs so it was a passive protest.
After that busy of a morning we all went home and relaxed. It was pretty hot outside all weekend so being in the inside with the air conditioning was a good thing.
It's funny, I haven't been able to take my blood sugar meds or my cholesterol meds for over a week. The prescription drug place I'm forced to use if I don't want to pay and arm and a leg is Caremark and they have managed to screw my stuff up six ways from...well, Sunday. Today Martha told me to dig out the glucose meter and check it. Now this was at the end of the day and I had had pizza and breakfast sandwiches today. It read 117. Well under the 120 mark. It makes me wonder if I should even be taking this stuff to begin with. I'm going to call my doctor and make an appointment. Who knows? Maybe all the clean living and extra exercise riding my bike has caused a positive change in my system. We will have to see.
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