

I've said it before and I will say it again. Most people say that time flies by, but it feels like I have been doing this blog for quite some time. I have a few fans who are sorry to see it put to bed, but what are you going to do? I set the parameters when I started and I gotta stick with it. I do like the personal flair of the blog so that may extend into one of the other blogs that I write. Who knows? I have a top secret blog that I will be starting right after this one is finished. I can't tell you what it is and it will be nothing like this blog. It's intent is to make people mad. It may not make everyone mad, but it will make some people mad I can guarantee it. I'm also keeping it anonymous for the time being so no one will know that it is me. Sound mysterious? Yeah, that wasn't the intention. I am trying something where I give an honest, straightforward opinion and I don't want it colored by what people know of me. Make sense? Good. I might leave hints to what it is later in the eight more blog entries I have here.
Now then, on with my day.
Bike rides are still awesome. The new trail is great. I will like it even more when they finish the street connectors.
I rode to work and then two hours later was riding back to wait for the house inspector. See, if you rent a house in Kalamazoo, they inspect it twice a year. Don;t know why, just know that it's a pain in the keister. So, the guy shows up after I mowed some lawn, washed some dishes and did a little touch up painting. The whole process gets on my last nerve.
The one true funny part came when Dan The Man came up to me, the inspector and our landlady, Margaret with a plastic bag and a sign that said, 1$ Please, (The spelling is Dan's) I asked him what he needed a dollar for and with his biggest brown eyes and sad voice he said, "For food." Needless to say the inspector gave Dan a buck. Everyone else at The Waltz Compound thought that was awesome. So did I.
After all that fun I decided to burn some vacation time and not go back to work. I can still get overtime for the day if I do it right so, that is cool.
So, the rest of the day was filled with going to Walmart, playing videogames, playing with the new kitten and watching Ratatouille. It was a fun little flick and I thought it was okay. The kids thought that Ratatouille was some made up dish with Rat in it. I explained what it was and Martha thought it sounded yummy. Now I need to get a dutch oven to make some for her. I've had it and it is good so it will be fun to make.
Here's the news report from Yahoo for the day:

South Africa reclassifies Chinese people as 'black'. What?!?! I didn't even read farther than that. It sounds ludicrous at best.

And from CNN:

Rape A Way Of Life For Darfur Women. See, I'm going to admit that I have no idea exactly what is going on with the whole Dafur thing. I see movie stars talking about it and it makes me shut that part of my brain down that listens to things. Movie stars really need to just make movies and shut their cake holes. Sure, more people will listen to them, but it's because the majority of people are freakin' sheep! I did read the rest of the article and that seems like a pretty dire situation over there.

That's all I've got. Be sure to tune in tomorrow for Day eight of the countdown.

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