

Back to the crowded salt mines. Busier than Hell and no fun whatsoever. Oh well, that's why they call it work, right? Right.
I did get to use the new bike trail to get to work this morning and it was great. Kind of nice not having to worry about traffic for more than half of my trek into town. Very nice. It also shaves about five minutes off my travel time. To make up for it I pedal faster to get the same kind of workout. That probably shaves some time off as well. Sort of a win win situation.
Mondays are quiet when I get home. Martha and the kids are at Judo. I have my day pretty well planned out.
Yeah, then Dan came bursting through the front door two hours early. Seems the littles were being monsters and Martha didn't want to put up with their crap. Can't say that I blame her. Now if gas didn't cost so much. Ouch! That's about forty minutes of drive time up in smoke.
I made a German Chocolate cake for dessert and we had hamburger helper lasagna style. Very yummy. For some reason I wasn't tired and didn't fall asleep until around eleven. I'll probably pay for that one later. Crap!
Oh well.
Only eleven more days until this blog is over!

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