

Okay, I think I screwed up the numbering of this blog somewhere down the line. It should end, because this was a leap year, with Day Three Hundred and Sixty-Six, but Since this is Sunday and we're only up to Day Three Hundred and Sixty-One there is no way that will happen. What did I expect? I accidentally named the site douglasLANAwaltz instead of douglasALANwaltz. Did I expect this to turn out?
Anyway, I gave up the news of the day thingie because I usually write these the next day. This is no exception so I have abandoned the project of trying to do that.
Here are some tidbits, however;
Gas is currently over four freakin' bucks a gallon.
The state I live in, Michigan, is probably one of the worst states in the entire United States if you are fond of employment.
The presidential election for this year of Our Lord 2008 is the biggest monkey circus I have ever seen. I blame the Internet for this. The Internet should be for useless information, stupid online games and porn. Anything else is superfluous.
Did I mention the gas thing? Yeah, four bucks. More expensive than a comic book, but not by much, and way less fun.
Okay, so it's Sunday and we head off to church. We were having a potluck and I forgot to bring anything so I helped out in the kitchen and we made goodies for everyone. Sunday school was fun because there was no one to teach the youth group so they got to hang with us. We are currently studying Acts. Good book to get the kids involved in. Of course, we also talked about hunting, fishing, Shakespeare and really bad sleight of hand tricks. It's called educating people without them knowing what you're doing. Kind of like a mnemonic device. Works sometimes.
Church was great. The message covered a lot of the same ground we did in Sunday School so I didn't feel to bad about helping out in the kitchen.
Every Sunday I draw a three panel comic on the back of the church bulletin. It's almost always about a member of my family. Sometimes it's about all of us. It's fun, it takes a few minutes and since I don't like to sing it's a great way to sit quietly without disturbing the people able to sing.
This week I did one that covered the entire Waltz Clan and that got passed around a little more than the others did. A lot of people liked it and Martha suggested that I start keeping them. Usually they are trash fodder. Instead she suggested that I keep these as a rough sketch and keep doing them on a regular basis. When I get a handful of them I can make a mini comic to give to people. Sounds like fun. I also think that I might start up a webcomic with this and see how that might fare in the big scary world of the Internet.
I'll have plenty of time after Tuesday since this blog will be officially over.
After church Dan The Man and I stayed home and played Godzilla Unleashed while the others went to youth group. There was a baptism service as well and there was lots of desserts to go around afterward. I already had too much dessert at the potluck and didn't need anymore sugar for the day. Or the week for that matter.
In between the time that we3 got home and everyone else left to go back to church, Margaret, our landlady, came over and we installed a vinyl floor in the dining room. It has a wood look to it and it looks very nice. I tore up the carpet in the upstairs hallway and the stairs because now that I had pretty, shiny vinyl in the dining room I hated seeing that nasty carpet anywhere in the house. There is still some in the living room, but it's so crowded in there that I couldn't get that carpet out if I tried.
Tracie's hubby, Chris, brought a couple of guys to haul away the old Cutlass as well. Kind of sad to see the thing go, but Chris wants to rebuild the thing so it's going to a good home.
I dragged our huge, dead television out to the curb and it was out there less thna an hour before some woman came along and wanted it for salvage. Crazy world out there when a non functioning television gets grabbed up in no time flat.
Whew! This was a busy day. I'll be back tomorrow with more and soon it will be a wrap.
I think I might do this again when I'm fifty. See how time has been to me in five years.
I'll be back tomorrow.

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