

Yup, ten more days of this blog. I had to pick a leap year to do this thing so instead of the normal three hundred and sixty-five days I get the extra one tagged on to the end. I thought I might do something special with the last ten days as some sort of time capsule kind of thing. For that I would like to turn to the news and see what is going on in this big wide world of ours...
Okay I went to Yahoo! and all they had was something about Britney Spears' dad being allowed to sell her house. ?!?!?! Let's try a more reputable news source...
CNN has a lot of coverage on the flooding in the Midwest. We have gotten a lot of rain recently. Upstate here in Michigan one area got eleven inches in one hour. Well, people were complaining about water shortages. God saw fit to take care of that for us. Now we just have to deal with the abundance of his gift. Does make me wish my kids knew how to swim however.
Okay, that's enough for current events for now.
In my little neck of the woods I have fallen in love with this new bike trail. I saw people using it on the way and back home from work and I can't wait for the junctions at the streets to be completed to give a smoother ride. Maybe they will extend the trail even farther for me in the future. How knows?
Dinner time at The Waltz Compound was pasta and meatballs.
We went to Savannah's to get a new kitten for Dandelion. Her name is Coco and she is about eight weeks old. It didn't take long for the little one to get used to the three big dogs and the cat. I can't wait to see what she thinks of the snake! Dandelion is thrilled and they seem to have a lot of fun. It was funny when we introduced her to Pashmina, our other cat, they were both looking intently at each other and when Dennis reached out to pet Coco, the little thing didn't see it coming and attacked Dennis! It was pretty funny, actually.
I went to bed early. We have our house inspection tomorrow and that will be no fun. I get to burn through some vacation time just to make sure that all is kosher at the house. I hate using vacation time for anything that is not vacation. But, it's nice to have for just such an emergency.

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