

Wow! Another milestone in the blog! Two hundred posts and still going strong. Saturday and Martha, Dandelion and I went on a grocery shop to get all the essentials for the next couple of weeks. We also went and got insurance for the beast. It's nice to have the car running better, not perfect, but definitely better. We also made a trip to the bread store to stock up. The little food grubbers loves them some carbs.
Seann came over and that was nice. We played a little Dungeons and Dragons and I had fun with it. Later Seann went honme and Dennis and Delia went over to Josh and Mariah's house. They are all buddies from school and they stayed over there for the night.
That left Martha, Dan and Dandelion with me to watch Santa's Slay with Bill Goldberg. Funny, funny movie.
It was a nice day and pretty laid back. Good stuff.

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