

So, my morning was off to a rousing start. I woke up and didn't hear my alarm clock so I thought I could sleep some more, so I did. Yeah, then I woke up again and thought to myself, "Five thirty is looking awfully damned bright." I grabbed my glasses and the glowing, orange numbers on the cable box told me it was seven thirty. CRAP!
I launched myself from bed and woke up all the kids. Martha and I managed to get the littles to the bus on time and then Dennis and I went to our respective places. He and I were both late.
While I was getting ready, Miss Katie from work, called the house thinking I was dead in a ditch. You see, I am never, ever late for work. Oh sure, maybe a few minutes here and occasionally there, but this was well over an hour. I called the boss and told her what had happened and she thought it was funny.
So, what did happen?
See, my alarm clock is broken, but the computer is in our room and we found this online thingie called The Naked Alarm Clock. No, there's no naked, it's just a simple, stripped down alarm clock. Problem is that the damnable device defaults to PM instead of AM. Who needs help getting up in the PM???
So, my entire day felt weird, especially the part where I missed my shower. And then I was stuck at work until five to make up the time.
After work, Martha, Dan and Dandelion came and picked me up. Dan had bought himself a motorcycle helmet and has taken to wearing it all the time. He is truly The Man. We stopped and grabbed some pizza for home and I ate too much and ended up with these godawful pizza burps all night because of it.
After that I burnt some movies and watched some television and we called it a night. At least tomorrow is Friday and I have a three day weekend.

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