

Friday and payday! Went to work and stopped to fill up the beast with gas. Yeah, that was another sixty bucks down the tubes. Sheesh! Then around 8:30 Martha came and got me and we went to take the car to get it fixed. The cool cats at Muffler Man deferred the payment until we get our income tax refund in the near future. Nice guys for sure. Martha and I walked back. We parted at Wets Main and Douglas and she went home while I went back to work.
After work Josh, Martha and I went to Harvey's to have some drinks. Josh's girlfriend Ellie joined us. I convinced Johs to saty away from the piss water of Bud Light and got him to drink some Bell's White Winter Ale. He liked it enough to have about five of them. Martha drank her traditional Captain Morgan and Sierra Mist and I started out with a Winter White Ale and then in the two seconds it took to down that light beer I switched to pints of Guiness. We had some yummy deep fried snacks and Ellie smoked a cigar. She let me smoke some of it as well. After about three pints we noticed an ad for something called Arrogant Bastard Ale. Seemed like I was going to try this beer. Yeah, the bottle was huge and the beer had quite a bite to it. Other than thsat it wasn't all that special. I washed the taste out of my mouth with some more yummy Guniness.
Then Ellie was our designated driver and went home where Seann was there. We yakked it up for a bit and then he took off and we all made our ways to bed. It was fun going out and Martha had fun as well which was cool. We'll have to do it again in the future.

1 comment:

Denis Sheehan said...

Captain Morgan and Sierra Mist? hmmm...-denis