

MIddle of the week and still training on the new machine. If you can call it training. I find excuses to go do other stuff while the trainer is there. I can't sit still for this kind of thing and since we have a print shop to run there are plenty of excuses to run off.
After work we all headed to our Wednesday night Judo thingie. I felt a little tired so I didn't put a lot of effort into it and after smacking my head on Monday, line throws were defintiely out for me.
Afterwards we headed home. On the way to the dojo the car was acting up. I popped the hood and discovered that some of the hoses were not attachjed properly and a 1981 Cutlass don't like to work if it ain't all attached properly. While the kids were doing their class I put it all back together with the exception of one thing that Martha said she would take care of.
Then it was home for sleepy time.

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