

Back to work and it went pretty fast. No overtime for me because of Judo. I was more than a little upset that PRISON BREAK wouldn't be on because ofn the State Of The Union address. All George W. needed to tell me was when I was getting my free money so I can spend it post haste. Needless to say, I did not watch the State Of The Union address. Judo was fun. The kids were a little busy during the adult calss so I ran roughshod over them. That was okay because we were doing line throws and I didn't feel like being thrown through the air.
After Judo we stopped at the gas station for milk and they were out! Now, this is Meijer gas station so they have a damned Meijer in the same parking lot. I wanted to tell the guy to grab and cart and get his fat ass over there and get me some milk, but I didn't.
Instead I had to navigate Meijer and then they had no gallons of Vitamin D milk?!?! What the Hell? Isn't that the milk that's the easiest to make beacuse you're not leeching all the fat, yummy goodness out of it? Why would they be out of that? So, I got a couple of half gallons and we made our way back to The Waltz Compound.
Martha got her CAsanova movie with David Tennant and what I did watch of it was very good. I've really only seen him do Doctor Who so it was hard to seperate him from the character, but it was a lot of fun. Then it was sleepy time

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