

In celebration of Martin Luther King's birthday I didn't have to go to work, but the kids did have school. That meant that after they were on the bus we were free to do what we wanted. First, there was laundry and then we went out to Water Street Coffee Shop for coffee and muffins. We played some cards while we drank our steamy beverages.
Then we ran to the store and got a new mattress for Dan's bed and some other things at Meijer. Martha found a sale on shirts for Dandelion and bought a pile of the damned things.
Then we ran back home to get Dennis' gym clothes out of the dryer and the huge box of tissues we were donating to the school. School was fun because we got to take the time to stop into each kids classroom and say hi. Actually, the only one in their classroom was Dan. Delia was off roaming the halls with her class and Dandelion was in art class.
After that we went shopping some more. We got more stuff and stopped for Chinese food. The big thing for me was the trip to Best Buy for a new video camera! We even got a spare battery and a camera case and some DV tapes. NOw we can start in on that low budget picture we planned to do.
After all that running we got home before the kids and Martha assembled a new stereo rack for our room and installed the new printer for the computer. She was on a roll and replaced the doorknobs and deadbolts for both doors as well. Needless to say we didn't make it to Judo. Ah well, it was a holiday.

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