

Tuesday and work is, well it's work. Not too hard or challenging, but it pays me money to be out of the cold. Of course, today it wasn't cold. It's actually in the forties. The walk to work was nice because of my new mp3 player. I get to listen to Kevin Smith's Smodcast and that definitely makes the walk for me. He and Scott Mosier are pretty funny guys and they ramble about nothing for about an hour.
We have a wicked Arctic front heading this way that is supposed to make tomorrow unbearable. Yeah, they always say that. I can still remember the blizzard of 1977 vividly and the feet of snow that we got then. Haven't seen feet of snow since and it would be kind of nice to be winter locked for a few days. Oh well, what are ya gonna do?
After work Martha came and got me so we could pick up more tiles for the boys bedroom.
As God is my witness I really thought that four boxes would be more than enough to cover their bedroom. It ain't that big! Yeah, try four more boxes to finish it. So, there I am covered in floor adhesive and even got some in my beard! Blech! The floor looks nice, though. I'll let it set for a day to get a good bond and then the boys can return to their domicile.
We went and got pizza because I was up to my armpits in floor work. Little Ceasers. It's cheap and it's pizza so I guess that was alright.
After that I was pretty whipped and we hit the hay.

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