

Sunday. Day of rest and worship. Day of relaxing and taking it easy.
Yeah, then I read Brian Keene's blog. For those of you that are new to the blog, seems that I irritated Brian Keene in some way and he decided to take to name calling and making false and derogatory assumptions about me on his blog. At first, this really ticked me off. Then I let it go. If you go back to day 171 here you can see that I was finished. I posted that on December 15th of last year.
Yeah, it seems that Mr. Keene had a dull day and decided that he wasn't finished with me.
The following, in quotation marks, is the sole property of Brian Keene with all the legal mumbo jumbo that goes with that.

"There was a writer who showed up on my message board about a month before we shut it down. Despite having never heard of the guy, and despite not being able to find anything in print by him, we all knew he was a writer because his screen name said so. Because I don't want to give him attention, we'll call him Nitwit #1 (and you'll see why I don't want to give him attention in a moment). Nitwit #1 had himself a Blog. He posted a new entry every single day for an entire year, and had absolutely no comments. Frustrated, Nitwit #1 decided to create some controversy and thus, gain some readers to his Blog. He did this by starting shit on the message board. When I mentioned it in passing here, he posted an entry about how he was dedicating his Blog to fucking with me, and each day would contain a new entry about how evil Brian Keene is. He also spammed the comments section of this Blog, inviting myself and everyone else to come visit his Blog. Of course, Big Joe did not approve those comments. And when, after a few days, he still had absolutely no readers, do you know what Nitwit #1 did?

He let the whole thing drop, and hasn't mentioned me again.

This type of desperation that drives our first type of nitwit. Here's the thing, kids. You can have a Blog and an LJ and MySpace and Facebook pages, and a website and message board and profile at Author's Den. You can flood the message boards at Amazon.com, Fangoria, Dread Central, Horror World, and elsewhere with spam for your self-published book or latest Lulu.com offering. You can run around and call yourself "best-seller" or whatever other lie you want to tell. But unless you've written a good book, none of that matters. Your prose, whether good or bad, is the great equalizer, and in the end, that's all they'll remember."

Okay, first he makes an assumption that I'm a wannabe writer. I do write, quite a lot, in fact, but realize that I am far from being what anyone would call famous. I have fun writing and it does nothing to pay the bills. Therefore, I would call my writing a hobby at best. And I have fun at this. Second, he thinks I'm drumming up business for this blog. Um, the statement to the right tells you all the rationale for this blog. I'm just chronicling a year in the life. I'm not doing it for anyone but myself. There are a few people who read it, but it really doesn't lend itself well to comments. To be honest, I didn't even have the comments on for the first few months because I didn't realize that I needed to program that myself.
The controversy I created was no ones fault but Mr. Keene and his friends. I assume that the people who run his message boards are his friends. Who knows? If you go back to day 165 or so it will chronicle the entire, messy affair for you. I feel no reason to reiterate the entire thing again.
So, I was finished with this and Mr. Keene brings it up weeks later for really no good reason. Maybe he just felt it necessary to have the last word. Beats me. If that's what makes him happy then so be it. Being a first time father as well as trying to quit smoking can be more than enough stress for many people so, he might just be fraying at the edges. Once again, I make no assumptions, unlike Mr. Keene. I have no idea what his current condition at home is nor do I really care anymore.
I felt it was necessary to air this out because I thought it was unnecessarily cruel to bring something up that I had considered a dead issue.
Part of me would like an apology. The saner part of me realizes that this will never happen. I will continue to read his blog and continue to comment on it. He will continue to read my comments and not put them in his blog. That's his right and I respect it no matter how one sided it makes things.

So, after church, we went home and cleaned house. I got to play Yahtzee with Martha and I watched a horrid movie called King Of Kong Island. You would think I would learn not to buy these dollar DVDs anymore. Must be some kind of sickness.


S. W. Miller said...

Sweet sister of mercy, this is, by far, the best Soap Opera I have ever read! Brian is a tool, but his shenanigans make for compelling reading, for sure! Be well, buddy!

Douglas Alan Waltz said...

Ican't believe that he is selling collectible books for 1200 a pop and still has the time to rake me anonymously over the coals. What he doesn't know is that I have assumed an alternate identity and comment on his blog anyway. Fun, huh?

S. W. Miller said...

You sly dog you, give a big old Happy Birthday Hug to Martha for me and all the best from the Miller Household to her on her day!