

Here we go, one more until the big three hundred mark. Anyway, I'm on my way to work this morning and I saw the oddest thing. When I reached downtown proper I cut through the mall near the museum. A few homeless people hang out there and there was this older guy who had trouble keeping his footing and he was slipping in the grass. I couldn't for the life of me figure out why he wouldn't just walk on the cobblestones, but he seemed determined to stay on his course no matter how treacherous it was. Nearby another homeless man slept on one of the benches, oblivious to me or the guy precariously making his way through the grass.
Work was another fun filled day. It seems that the closer we get to the move, the busier we get. Some people are going to be very uinhappy to not get their stuff when our machines are down for a week of the move. I think it's funny.
After work I headed home and ran into a couple I know, Jenny and Dave. I chatted them up for a little while and then finished my bike ride home. The whole day seemed off because we started overtime this week that will last, well for quite some time. Not looking forward to it at all.
I was so happy when I got home to discover that Martha and the two little had made meatloaf and cheesy potatoes along with sweet potatoes for dinner. Martha's meatloaf is the best and I ate waaay too much of it.
After dinner Martha watched the movie, Paulie, while I wrote for an hour. It's a short piece of fiction that is shaping up rather well. It's not finished so I don't want to talk it up too much. I got sixteen hundred words done in an hour which I thought was pretty good for a first draft.
Then it was time to sleep and cuddle into bed with Martha. I am beat.

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