

Sunday and we were off and running. Seann came along and he liked riding in the new van. Thought it was very cool. Sunday school was nice. Matt made breakfast. After service we had a pot luck and that went well. Lots of yummy food and I ate too much.
After church we wandered home. Seann helped me flip these two huge tubs in the back of the yard. They had collected a lot of water and the last thing I needed was a mosquito breeding ground.
After that it was laze around the house kind of thing. I did some dishes, wrote some film reviews, played some Peggle.
Martha and the bigger kids went to youth group later in the day while I stayed home with the littles.
Not a hectic day which is always nice before you have to go back to work. Martha has the kids all week as it is Spring Break. I feel sorry for her, but I bet she puts them all to work pretty darned quick.

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