

Back to the grind. It's pay week so that is cool. Did a lot of little jobs around the shop to get stuff done.
I managed to ride my bike into work and miss the rain entirely. Good for me.
After work I was riding home and it started to sprinkle. Yeah, that turned into a torrential downpour about halfway through my ride. I was soaked down to the bone by the time I got home. Man, there was a lot of rain!
Martha and Delia wet to the dentist office to see if he was interested in sponsoring her in the National American Miss pageant she's going to. He was busy so she'll find out next week.
After that I made some beefy noodle hamburger helper, broccoli and a sliced up a loaf of fresh bread. For dessert we had a cake that I made.
I read some more of TOUGH TO KILL Vol.1. Now, I have to watch all these movies in David Zuzelo and Paul Cooke's book. Bastards.
Fell asleep to Monday Night RAW.

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