

So, Hump Day. Whoopee! My bike ride was a wee bit chilly on the way in. God Bless Pfizer and their extremely hot showers. A couple of days ago I was at my chiropractors and there was this magazine extolling the virtues of the Goji Berry, or wolfberry if you prefer. Wolfberry sounds like something you use to kill Lon Chaney Jr.. Anyway, I did some other checking of my own and it's one of those superfruits like Mangosteen. Anyway, while I was picking up my flaxseed to go with my oatmeal that I eat every morning, I decided to pick up a bag of Goji Berries. Bright red with an interesting flavor. They are a little pricey at the local food co op so I might check for an alternative method of obtaining them in the future. Definitely better to sweeten my oatmeal with than Splenda.
The bike ride home was pretty much as cold as the one in, but it was still good exercise.
I made some pasta tossed with a little olive oil and parmesean cheese along with some meatballs for dinner. Good stuff, but last time the meatballs barked at me for a couple of days. We'll have to wait and see if that is a repeat performance or not.
After that Martha decided that she wanted a hot fudge sundae from McDonalds so Martha, Dan and Dandelion and I were off for Mickey D's. Delia was at a slumber party and Dennis was at his girlfirend's house.
Dandelion and Dan got a McFlurry, Martha got her sundae and I got a decaf coffee. Have I mentioned that I gave up regular coffee on Monday? Been a little grumpy, but what are ya gonna do? It will pass eventually.
While we were in the van the kids were watching Mystery Science Theater 3000, it was I Accuse My Parents for those of you that need to know.
Anyway, that put me in the mood for some more when we got home so I popped in Hercules and fell asleep to that.
Not a busy day, but a good day.
The best part of it would have to be when my dad called and told me that his prostate cancer was caught early on and that it was not in the bone. Just gotta go in and get that damned prostate out and he'll be right as rain. Very good news and I was happy that he called me to tell me. Thanks to everyone out there that gave their prayers and well wishes for my dad.

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