

Almost Friday. Still incredibly swamped at work, but there's only so many hours in the day so, I quite worrying about it.
After work I biked it home and then we had to take Delia to her middle school orientation. Yup, my little girl is going into middle school. She and her friend Mariah seemd to like the place. They served cookies and punch so that was cool. I really wasn't all that hungry. I had a salad for lunch that was huge and that really kept me full for quite some time.
Anyway, after spending long, boring hours at the middle school we headed home. Dandelion was a good girl and fed the dogs while we were gone. She's quite the little helper. I hope she doesn't grow out of it.
Anyway, then I wrote for a while and then started watching this moive I have to review called Contour. What I've seen is pretty cool. Have to wait to finish it as I am super tired.

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