

So, the print shop is moving in a few weeks and we are getting swamped with jobs! Today I processed about eleven job requests. Usually I'll do three or four in a day, but never eleven. We are so screwed when it comes to moving. Ah well.
After work I biked it home. The weather was beautiful and then we got ready for Judo. we left earlier than usual and made it in plenty of time. Martha hates to be late and I can't say that I blame her. Two of the kids were testing today, not any of my kids, two other kids. The one kid had his own cheering section of parents and grand parents. Pretty cool stuff.
We left after the kids class because two of the guys were testing and we didn't want to make them more nervous. We all headed to Meijer to get things we need and some treats as well.
After that we headed home and took it easy. Martha and I watched Galaxy Quest for bed and then it was time for sleepy time.
Oh, I almost forgot. Sensei Chris gave me a yellow belt. He said that all the time I put in I earned it. Very nice, but I will miss my old white belt.

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