

Friday, beer day. Could it get any better? Yeah it could. I'm sick of this whole getting ready to move the shop thing. I really don;t like the entire prospect and the people we work for don't seem to get the fact that we are moving and continue to pile work on us. we have this huge job that really starts on Monday and halfway through it we will be changing equipment to boot. The whole thing is irritating me.
After work, Martha and I headed to Harveys. We both got some food and I got my Guinness while Martha got her double Captain Morgan and Sprite. Stew showed up shortly after that. I invited my buddy Matt, but he didn't show. Josh is on some meds that don't let him drink so he didn't want to come and I can't blame him. It would suck to not be able to drink beer while everyone around you is drinking.
Shortly after, Savannah showed up and we all drank and shot the shit and had fun. Martha and I had to leave because the premiere of Doctor Who was on and we had to stop and get pizza for the kids and watch Doctor Who. It was the Christmas special and I thought it was cool. Next week we are getting the regular series and I can't wait to see how that goes.
After all that fun and excitement I was ready for sleepy.

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