I basically pushed the print button for five hours and then took off. I had to get to my chiropractor appointment and then I needed to drop off copies of the new chapbook to Linc, all he asks for in payment is some copies of the book. Seems fair to me. He also gave me the coolest present. Look down to the bottom of this blog and you will see it. The picture doesn't do it justice. It's made of vinyl and has those brass hole thingies so it doesn't tear when you hang it. It is so cool and he said he might get one of the first chapbook with Bruce Lee and Ilsa on it. So very, very cool.
Came home and the new Al Adamson book I ordered arrived in the mail. With that and the Bava Book it will be director land in the Waltz abode for a while.
New episodes of Ninja Warrior were on tonight and they have designed a whole new course because in the last season someone beat it. Very coool and it was fun to see the new guys and the old seasoned fellas go at the new course. It's pretty damned tough.
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