

So, another wonderful day at the print shop. We had someone bitching at us for a job so, we did it and they had sent us the wrong file! So, even though we busted our ass to get it done, we didn't get it done. I ended up staying late to get the job started. It could run on it's own.
I knew I was going to have to come in early and work all damned day tomorrow on a Friday! Yippee for me. I'm the only one working any form of overtime at work and it sucks. Oh well.
Got home and made some dinner. BY the time it was done it was pretty much time for bed or close enough for me. I did do my qigong again and then I started the unthinkable.

I started reading the Bava Book.

It's a pretty formidable tome and I have been leery of starting it. I have read Tim Lucas' stuff for years so, I shouldn't have been concerned, but I was. I made it through twenty three pages. It is cool how the beginning of the book sort of sums up a lot of Bava's life. I imagine the dissection of the films will come later, but this is a nice way to start the book. It gives me an anchor to get me through the other million pages of text along with some gorgeous Donna Lucas design work to boot. The book is like a text of great important combined with a coffee table book's sensibilities when it comes to layout and design. But it's dense. Very very dense and I think by the time I'm finished with this puppy I will be able to be a minor Bava expert as will anyone who reads it in detail and not just flips through to their favorite parts. The book deserves careful study so, I will not rush it, but I will stick to it.
Then I got tired so I packed the book back into it's box and put it up next to the television in our bedroom. The book originally came in a box within a box. I did discard the outer box and gave the bubble wrap to the kids, but I'm keeping the inner box and that is the book's little cocoon to keep it safe.

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