

Slept in and then it was time to check out the lovely fallen snow in the driveway. I had shoveled yesterday and you couldn't tell. It was time to start our fun day with the kid of the moment. This time it's Delia. After I spent a half hour shoveling the driveway full of heavy snow, we went to Rollerworld. Man, it was cold in the building. I realize that it's a glorified poll barn, but they could use a little heat in there. We got some snacks and I managed to fall on my butt and jam my shoulder by catching myself on the way down. In other words, all those years of Judo teaching went out the window. Now, my shoulder is throbbing all the time.
After roller skating we went to The Parlor for yummy food. I got the exccellent pulled pork sandwich. Martha got a BLT and Delia got a huge brownie sundae. Then it was off to see Horton Hears A Who. It was alright and some of it was quite funny, but I think I'll stick with the original.
We made a couple stops at stores to get necessities and then made it home pretty late. It was a busy day and we have two weeks until Dandelion's turn comes around. man, I hope she's ncier about her turn than Delia was. She ran us ragged.

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