

Wednesday and, as mentioned before, still sick. Came to work anyway and had multiple coughing fits and felt horrible. Yippee for me! Took the car to the scrap heap and got two hundred and fifty bucks for it. Not too bad for a car with a blown engine. After work, Martha and I went to the store and got some food and medication for illness. I saw these things called Cold-Eeze and it sounded like the way to go. Apparently, large amounts of zinc can act like a dessicant to some people. I didn't know that until halfway through one of those logenzes my whole throat and mouth felt like it was going to cave in. I spit it out and drank lots of water to rehydrate myslef. I contacted the company that makes the things and they offered to reimburse me for them. Cool.
Still feel kind of crappy. I am officially sick of being sick. I am also sick of winter.

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