

So, work was nothing special. I screwed around and ordered free stuff off the internet all day. Fun, fun, fun. Anyway, yesterday the girls had to go to the dentist. No big deal and all was fine. Today was the boys' turn. Yeah, so I got out of work and there was no ride to come and get me. I waited for a little whole and tried to two way Martha. No response. Yeah, it's cold and windy and I got a shitload of stuff that I'm carrying. I waited for a few minutes more. Still no answer from the two way and no answer at The Compound. Now, I was beginning to burn a little. I decided to walk home at that point.
I got to the downtown area and smelled something funny. As I got closer this guy passed me and noticed that I was smelling the air. He said there was a huge gas leak at The Kalamazoo Gazette. Yeah I made an immediate right away from the area and stepped it up a little faster. I almost reached downtown proper when my phone beeped to life. It was Martha looking for me. I explained where I was and that I would meet her at downtown McDonald's. She was cool with that. When she arrived with the two boys in tow I asked what the hold up was. Seems that after the dentist, which took longer than she expected, they decided to get some food. Yeah, and my rocket science of a genius son, Dennis, tried to order it for eating in instead of to go. He'll be getting some extra chores for my lovely, unplanned walk. I don't mind walking, but when I'm not expecting it it makes me old man grumpy.
Anyway, went home, finally and we watched some television. Then Martha and I went to the store to get dinner and filled the gas tank of the new van. Went home and made meatballs, tri color rotini, cheesy garlic bread and some home made tomato sauce to go on the meatballs. Very yummy stuff.
Kind of a weird day. Tomorrow is supposed to be better so I can ride my bike to work. Of course, they are also predicting snow the next two days after that so I might get one bike ride in.
I am officially sick of Winter...again!

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