

Had snow today so I had to shovel the driveway from Hell and salt it. I should invest in a salt mine or something with the amount of that crap I go through every winter. Got a ride from Martha to work. Work was busy...AGAIN! After work I was informed that we needed to go to the store. We went and got stuff and then zoomed home so I could make the feast of baked chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing and Italian style vegetables. It was very good. Even Dan The Man ate huge portions of stuff. I'm not sure where he was putting it.
Then there's the bad news. John Polonia passed away today. Don't know who he is? That's a shame. He and his twin brother, Mark, are two independent film makers. They started with a gore and twisted fest called SPLATTER FARM back in the shot on video glory days of the eighties. Since then they went on to make over thirty films. They did them all in house and they, while being micro budget, still managed to entertain. Not a bad thing. He was thirty-nine and died of a heart aneurysm. I can express no better who this makes me feel other than saying it sucks. Death is never good, but this really sucks. I was just getting to know these guys. Their films and I interviewed them, for my zine. And now half the team is gone. While I truly hope that Mark will continue to make films, I wouldn't blame him if he didn't.
What a shitty capper to a relatively good day.

1 comment:

Denis Sheehan said...

that sucks about John Polonia! I've been watching the Plonia stuff for a long time. boo! -denis