

Tuesday and still have the coughing sniffles thing going on. I also have an infected hangnail or some such thing on my big toe and I've soaked it and covered it in anti bionic ointment (Yes, I did the typo on purpose) and it's still red. Martha told me to go to the doctors so, I'll be making that call in the morning. Yippee!
Got a lot of writing done. Did a piece of flash fiction for Askew Reviews, did a scene for the movie, wrote a review for Askew and did a piece for both the Penguin Comics blog and the Divine Exploitation blog. I was pretty happy with all the writing I got done as I hadn't done much of that recently. Well, besides this damned thing.
Had a shot of Imperial Whiskey for bed with a little orange juice to help me sleep. Now I am out of Imperial Whiskey and will need to get some more. For medicinal purposes you understand.
Martha is taking the car in for a new gas tank tomorrow and tha should be fun. Fun to the tune of five hundred bucks. Yeesh!
And does anyone know why the spell check is not working here on Blogger? I hit the damned button and get some weird error message. This means I have to go and check what I wrote myself which sucks.
In good news I took the, Which Smurf are you? test and discovered that I am Lazy Smurf. Kinda saw that one coming.

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