

Been awhile since I have posted. I have taken the proverbial bull by the horns and am taking steps to opening The Video Cafe. Seems that I need a business plan first so that lending institutions won't think I'm a total idiot and will give me money to realize my dream. I'm pretty sure I know where I want to put it if the price is right. It's that old, Chinese restaurant half way up Westnedge Hill. Nice location for a coffe shop/video store if you ask me. Close enough to campus to get the college students, but not too close so I'm over run with college students! :0)
On other news I have made a spectacular decision. What is it? Can't tell and might never tell. It would ruin it and this is one of those things that I would rather not ruin. Kind of mean of me to even mention it, but this blog is for me primarily so I need to put this down on virtual paper.
Dan has Scouts tonight and we get to do that. Last night Martha, Dan and I went to the store and bought many food things and attending Delia's conferences. Seems that she is a bright girl, which I knew, and could care less about school, which I also knew. Kind of a dilemma, but her English teacher told me that she can write about whatever she wants to write about and is not restricted to the topic she gives the rest of the students.
Busy weekend coming up so I do not plan on being back here anytime soon.
For the lot of you, go check out my other blogs. I'm there all the time.
Seeya! And be good!

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